Neighborhood Outreach

AIC Events

APRIL 2025
Click Here for Pantry Schedules.

04/26 – Annual Community Health Resource Fair – 10:00am to 2:00pm at the AIC
Hosted by the Minority Health Coalition of Madison County.

04/17 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

04/12  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

MARCH 2025
Click Here for Pantry Schedules.

03/20 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

03/08  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

Click Here for Pantry Schedules.

02/25 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “Bike Vessel” by Donnie Seals Jr., and Resita Cox – 12:00pm at the AIC
Knowing his dad miraculously recovered from three open-heart surgeries after discovering a passion for cycling, filmmaker Eric D. Seals proposes an ambitious idea: Bike together from St. Louis to Chicago. 350 miles. 4 days. On their journey, the two push each other as they find a deeper connection and a renewed appreciation of their quests for their own health and to reimagine Black health. TRT 60 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak, will lead a short discussion after the screening. Guest speaker TBA. We’ll have lunch by Chef Rocquel Agnew. Seating is limited. Presented with support from Charitable Film Network, and Independent Lens | PBS. Indie Lens Pop-Up is a free community film series that brings people together for in-person and virtual screenings, and community-driven conversations. For more information Look Here. #FreeForAllPBS #ITVS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork

02/20 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

02/08  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

Click Here for Pantry Schedules.

01/28 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “Free for All: The Public Library” by Dawn Logsdon and Lucie Faulknor – 12:00pm at the AIC
FREE FOR ALL tells the story of the quiet revolutionaries who made a simple idea happen. From the pioneering women behind the “Free Library Movement” to today’s librarians who service the public despite working in a contentious age of closures and book bans, meet those who created a civic institution where everything is free and the doors are open to all. TRT 60 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak, will lead a short discussion after the screening. Guest speaker TBA. We’ll have lunch by Chef Rocquel Agnew. Seating is limited. Presented with support from Charitable Film Network, and Independent Lens | PBS. Indie Lens Pop-Up is a free community film series that brings people together for in-person and virtual screenings, and community-driven conversations. For more information Look Here. #FreeForAllPBS #ITVS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork

01/24 – Veterans Town Hall Meeting – 3:00pm to 4:30pm at the AIC
Rep. Victoria Spartz’s representative, Cynthia West, will be addressing news and information directly related to Veteran benefits. The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry after the meeting. Veterans of every age and military service are invited. If you plan to attend, please contact Robert Greenwalt at or call (765) 760-0601. Hosted by The Veterans Coffee Club of Anderson, IN and DAV Chapter 12.

01/21 – The National Day of Racial Healing – 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the AIC
Join us as we contemplate our shared values and create the blueprint together for #HowWeHeal from the effects of racism. Admission free. Hosted by Madison County SURE -Standing Up for Racial Equity.

01/16 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

01/11  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.


12/19 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

12/14  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.


11/21 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

11/09  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

11/07 – Annual AIC Celebration & Open House – 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the AIC
Come celebrate 13 years of service with us! Meet our tenant partners. Learn about our programs. Tour our facility, and have some fun! Refreshments will be served. Admission FREE!

11/05 – Election Day! – 6:00am to 6:00pm at the AIC
The Anderson Impact Center will be a polling site. Voting machines will be set up in the cafeteria. 


10/30 – Candy Corps Trunk or Treat – 6:00pm to 7:00pm at the AIC
Are you looking for a fun, safe, family-friendly event with FREE CANDY? Join us for the Candy Corps Trunk or Treat! 

   Prizes for best costumes! 
   DJ Candy Corn will be spinning spooktacular music! 
   Ideal for Kids 12 and under
   Street and on-site parking available 
   We’ll be there rain or shine! 

Hosted by the Anderson Impact Center and Disabled American Veterans. For sponsorship opportunities, candy donations or more event details, contact

10/24 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

10/19 – Community Film Screening – 2:00pm to 4:00pm at the AIC
Join us for the premiere screening of “Where Black Excellence Resides in Madison County.” Includes a Community Pitch-In Lunch. Admission is FREE! For more information contact

10/17 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

10/17 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

10/17 – 9th Annual Senior Health Expo – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
FREE health screenings, education, and resources. Open to senior adults 55 and older. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

10/12  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

10/11 – Madison County Veterans Stand Down – 8:00am to 4:00pm at the AIC

10/10 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

10/03 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

10/03 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email


09/26 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

09/19 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

09/19 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

09/19 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

09/14  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

09/12 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

09/05 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

09/05 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email


08/28 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Join us for a Garden Club feedback and planning session. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

08/22 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

08/22 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

08/15 – DAV Anderson #12 Meeting – 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the AIC
Disabled American Veterans monthly meeting. For more information Look Here.

08/15 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project

08/14 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting
– 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Get tips on fall lawn care, and other gardening skills with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

08/10  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

08/08 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

08/08 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

08/01 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

 JULY 2024

07/31 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Get tips on splitting perennials, and other gardening skills with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

07/25 – Paces Youth Urban Choir – Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the AIC
Open to youth ages 7-14. Look Here for more details.

07/25 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

07/25 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

07/18 – Paces Youth Urban Choir – Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the AIC
Open to youth ages 7-14. Look Here for more details.

07/18 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

07/17 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Develop your gardening skills with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

07/13  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

07/11 – Paces Youth Urban Choir – Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the AIC
Open to youth ages 7-14. Look Here for more details.

07/11 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

07/11 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

07/08-11 Youth Football Camp – 10:00am to 2:00pm at the AIC
Are you ready for a football adventure? Perfect your passes, dodge defenders, and track like a pro at our exciting camp for ages 6-14! Join now and elevate your game in a safe, fun environment. Fee $25. Hosted by Olympus Youth Foundation and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information contact Brian Blackmon at (765) 222-3622 or

07/03 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Develop your gardening skills with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

JUNE 2024

06/27 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

06/27 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

06/20 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

06/19 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Develop your gardening skills with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

06/17 Juneteenth: Faith & Freedom Documentary – 6:00pm at the AIC
Free community film screening. Hosted by Madison County SURE – Standing Up for Racial Equity. Light refreshments will be served. Contact for more details.

06/15 – 4th Annual Juneteenth Weekend Fundraiser – 4:30pm to 7:00pm at the AIC
Celebrate Freedom Day with a Dan’s Fish Fry fundraiser to benefit the Anderson Impact Center! Tickets $12.00 – includes fish, 2 sides and 1 drink. Desserts are $2.00. Carry Out Dinners. Limited seating available. Tickets Available Now at the Anderson Impact Center – Monday through Thursday, between 10:30am and 3:30pm.

Sponsors Include: Anderson Madison County Visitors Bureau, Community Hospital Anderson, Coca-Cola Consolidated, Prairie Farms Dairy, NTN Driveshaft Anderson, and Culligan Water Anderson. Vendors Include: Community Lens, DAV – Disabled American Veterans, ICAP – Interlocal Community Action Program, The Gathering of the Queens, Project Growcery & APA Jet Fuel, LWV – League of Women Voters, Madison County SURE – Standing Up for Racial Justice, Mr. James Warner & The Gospel Highlights, Minority Health Coalition of Madison County, Madison County Health Department Mobile Unit, and First Choice for Women. Contact for information about volunteering, sponsorship, and vending opportunities. Please spread the word! 

06/13 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

06/13 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

06/12 – Black Excellence Youth Media Workshop #2
– 10:00am to 3:00pm at the AIC
For more information contact Tamara Young, with the WhatDoesAndersonNeed.Com Project at

06/11 – Black Excellence Youth Media Workshop #1 – 10:00am to 3:00pm at the AIC
For more information contact Tamara Young, with the WhatDoesAndersonNeed.Com Project at

06/08  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

06/06 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

06/05 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Develop your gardening skills with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

MAY 2024

05/30 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

05/30 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

05/23 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

05/16 – Paces Youth Urban Choir – Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the AIC

Open to youth ages 7-14. Look Here for more details.

05/16 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

05/16 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

05/11 – Hat Luncheon, A Mother’s Day Celebration – 11:30am to 1:30pm at the AIC
Guest Speaker Tressena Jones – Educator, Engagement Coach, Entrepreneur, and Haalo Foundation Founder and Executive Director. Admission $12. Tickets are available now at the AIC – Monday through Thursday between 10:30am and 3:30pm. Presented in partnership with The Gathering of the Queens. Call (765) 356-9497 or email for more details.

05/11  – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

05/09 – Paces Youth Urban Choir – Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the AIC

Open to youth ages 7-14. Look Here for more details.

05/09 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

05/08 – Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Learn about Lawn Care with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

05/02 – Paces Youth Urban Choir – Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the AIC

Open to youth ages 7-14. Look Here for more details.

05/02 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

05/02 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

 APRIL 2024

04/30 – Madison County Community Connect – FREE EVENT | FREE LUNCH | FREE HELP – 10:00am to 2:00pm at the AIC
On ONE DAY, services providers offer their services at ONE STOP, with ONE MISSION: To connect community members with needed services, alleviating the amount of time needed for accessing the services at the different offices around the county. Look Here for more information. #madisoncountyconnectvendors #madisoncountyconnect

04/27 – Drug Free Community Day – 1:00pm to 5:00pm at the AIC
Music, Games, Photos, Snacks and Prizes! 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament (Ages 13-18) Admission free. Look Here for more details.

04/27 – Community Health Resource Fair – 10:00am to 2:00pm at the AIC
Join us for fun activities, vendors, food trucks, mindful movements and performances.  

Attendees can receive:
A chance to earn a humidifier, air fryer or mini blender (while supplies last)  
Health related screening (Blood Pressure, A1C, BMI, and Cholesterol
Health insurance Navigators Referrals to health services
Assistance in scheduling appointments or registering for services, and
Home soil testing

Hosted by the Minority Health Coalition of Madison County with support from Aspire, Community Hospital Anderson, and the Madison County Health Department.

04/25 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

04/24 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Learn about Urban Soil Health with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

04/18 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project.

04/18 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

04/13 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

04/11 – Queens K-12 Weekend Food BackPack Project – Thursdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the AIC 
Enjoy Food in your backpack, a Reading-program, a Physical Activity, and Relationship Building. Parent ID required. Hosted by The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project

04/11 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “The Tuba Thieves” by Alison O’Daniel, Su Kim, Maya E. Rudolph, and Rachel Nederveld – 12:00pm at the AIC
What is the role of sound and what does it mean to listen? Hard of hearing filmmaker Alison O’Daniel uses a series of tuba thefts in Los Angeles high schools as a jumping-off point to explore these questions. Through several d/Deaf people telling stories in a unique game of telephone, the central mystery of The Tuba Thieves isn’t about theft of instruments; it’s about the nature of sound itself. TRT 40 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak, will lead a short discussion after the screening. Guest speaker TBA. We’ll have refreshments by Chef Rocquel Agnew. Seating is limited. Presented with support from Charitable Film Network, and Independent Lens | PBS. Indie Lens Pop-Up is a free community film series that brings people together for in-person and virtual screenings, and community-driven conversations. For more information Look Here. #TubaThievesPBS #ITVS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter#Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork

04/10 Sweet 16 Garden Club Meeting – 11:00am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Learn about Seed Starting with Beth Vansickle, Purdue Extension-Madison County Educator, and Carol Coburn, EMG Master Gardener, Madison County. Organized by Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. For more information Look Here or contact

04/04 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email

 MARCH 2024

03/28 – Gardening Education Session – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
Urban Farmer and Value Chain Coordinator, Ephraim Smiley, will give a presentation on Gardening for Beginners, and share information about the personal and health benefits of gardening. Presented by Ivy Tech Community College – Anderson, Purdue University Extension – Madison County, and the Anderson Impact Center. Admission free and open to the public. For more information contact

03/25 – Future Stars Flag Football
6:15pm, Mini League: 1st Place v Winner (A)
7:00pm, Pee Wee League: 3rd Place v 4th Place
7:45pm, Pee Wee League: 1st Place v 2nd Place
Organized by Anderson Community Rejuvenation, Inc. For more information contact:

03/18 – Future Stars Flag Football
6:15pm, Mini League: 2nd Place v 3rd Place (A)
7:00pm, Pee Wee League: Indiana Recreation, Sports & Education Corp v Community Hospital
7:45pm, Pee Wee League: Broadway Press v Madison County Health Department
Organized by Anderson Community Rejuvenation, Inc. For more information contact:

03/14 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “Matter of Mind: My Parkinson’s” by Anna Moot-Levin, Laura Green, David Alvarad, and Jason Sussberg – 12:00pm at the AIC

In Matter of Mind: My Parkinson’s, three people navigate their lives with resourcefulness and determination in the face of a degenerative illness, Parkinson’s disease. An optician pursues deep brain stimulation surgery; a mother raising a pre-teen daughter becomes a boxing coach and an advocate for exercise; and a cartoonist contemplates how he will continue to draw as his motor control declines. TRT 60 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak will lead a short discussion after the screening. Guest speaker – Veda C. Morris-May, Executive Director of the Minority Health Coalition of Madison County We’ll have refreshments by Chef Rocquel Agnew. Seating is limited. Presented with support from Charitable Film Network, and Independent Lens | PBS. Indie Lens Pop-Up is a free community film series that brings people together for in-person and virtual screenings and community-driven conversations. For more information Look Here. #MatterofMindPBS #ITVS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork

03/11 – Future Stars Flag Football
5:30pm, Mini League: Madison County Health Department v Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission
6:15pm, Mini League: Independent Federal Credit Union v Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission
7:00pm, Pee Wee League: Indiana Recreation, Sports & Education Corp v Madison County Health Department
7:45pm, Pee Wee League: Broadway Press v Community Hospital
Organized by Anderson Community Rejuvenation, Inc. For more information contact:

03/09 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

03/08 – 3rd Annual Women’s Community Prayer Breakfast – 8:30am to 10:30am at the AIC
In celebration of International Women’s Day we’re coming together to celebrate the accomplishments of women everywhere, and to lift one another up in prayer for today and the future. Light breakfast provided. This year’s theme color is purple, so wear your purple!

03/04 – Future Stars Flag Football
5:30pm, Mini League: Madison County Health Department v Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission
6:15pm, Mini League: Independent Federal Credit Union v Madison County Health Department
7:00pm, Pee Wee League: Broadway Press v Community Hospital
7:45pm, Pee Wee League: Indiana Recreation, Sports & Education Corp v Madison County Health Department
Organized by Anderson Community Rejuvenation, Inc. For more information contact:


02/29 – Community Lens of Anderson – 5:00pm at the AIC
Community dialogue about themes in Mayor Thomas Broderick’s State of the City Address.

02/29 – Black History/Culture Games – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC 
Presented with the Anderson Public Library.

02/26 – Future Stars Flag Football
5:30pm, Mini League: Independent Federal Credit Union v Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission
6:15pm, Mini League: Independent Federal Credit Union v Madison County Health Department
7:00pm, Pee Wee League: Broadway Press v Madison County Health Department
7:45pm, Pee Wee League: Indiana Recreation, Sports & Education Corp v Community Hospital
Organized by Anderson Community Rejuvenation, Inc. For more information contact:

02/22 – “Soul Food… Our Food, Our History” – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
Presented with the Minority Health Coalition.

02/21 – Future Stars Flag Football
5:30pm, Mini League: Independent Federal Credit Union v Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission
Organized by Anderson Community Rejuvenation, Inc. For more information contact:

02/19 – Future Stars Flag Football
5:30pm, Mini League: Independent Federal Credit Union v Madison County Health Department
6:15pm, Mini League: Madison County Health Department v Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission
7:00pm, Pee Wee League: Indiana Recreation, Sports & Education Corp v Broadway Press
7:45pm, Pee Wee League: Madison County Health Department v Community Hospital
Organized by Anderson Community Rejuvenation, Inc. For more information contact:

02/15 – “Setting The Record Straight” Black History with Fay Barber-Dansby – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC

02/10 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

02/08 – Free Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “BREAKING THE NEWS” by Heather Courtney, Princess A. Hairston & Chelsea Hernandez – 12:00pm at the AIC

Who decides which stories get told? A scrappy group of women and LGBTQ+ journalists buck the white male-dominated status quo, banding together to launch The 19th*, a digital news startup aiming to combat misinformation. A story of an America in flux, and the voices often left out of the narrative, the documentary Breaking the News shows change doesn’t come easy. TRT 65 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak will lead a short discussion following the screening. Guest speaker, Film Producer snd Director Tamara Young. We’ll have refreshments by Chef Rocquel Agnew. Seating is limited. Presented with support from Charitable Film Network, and Independent Lens | PBS. For more information Look Here. #breakingthenewsPBS #ITVS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork 


01/13 – Veterans Coffee Club– 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

01/11 – Free Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “RAZING LIBERTY SQUARE” by Katja Esson and Ann Bennett – 12:00pm at the AIC
Liberty City, Miami, is home to one of the oldest segregated public housing projects in the United States. Now with rising sea levels, the neighborhood’s higher ground has become something else: real estate gold. TRT 60 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak will lead a short discussion following the screening. Guest speaker, AHA Housing Counselor Wendy King. Refreshments provided by Chef Rocquel Agnew. Seating is limited. Presented with support from Charitable Film Network, and Independent Lens | PBS. For more information Look Here. #LibertySquarePBS #ITVS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork


12/14 – Holiday Concert – 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the AIC
Featured artists: Jade Samone and Gordon Brooks. Open to seniors 55 and older. Please RSVP by December 8th. For more information call (765) 356-9497 or email Hosted by the Anderson Impact Center, The Gathering of the Queens, Essential Senior Health & Living, Rhoads Insurance Agency, and Heartland Hospice Care.

12/14 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

12/09 – Veterans Coffee Club– 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

12/07 – Memory Workout for Adults/Seniors  – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
Flex your brain muscles with board games, word games, and logic puzzles that will help stimulate and retain memory function. Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library.

12/05 – Free Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “A TOWN CALLED VICTORIA” by Li Lu and Anthony Pedone – 12:00pm at the AIC
On January 28, 2017, a mosque in South Texas erupted in flames. Now, this quiet community must reckon with the deep rifts that drove a man to hate. TRT 60 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak will lead a short discussion following the screening. We’ll have refreshments by Chef Rocquel Agnew. Presented with support from Charitable Film Network, and Independent Lens | PBS. For more information Look Here. #ITVS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork


11/18 – Thanksgiving Community Dinner – 4:00pm to 7:00pm at the AIC
Hosted by the Anderson Impact Center, The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project, and the Legends League. For volunteer and partnership opportunities contact Stay tuned for more details!

11/16 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

11/11 – Veterans Coffee Club– 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

11/09 – AIC Gratitude Gala – 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the AIC
Join us for our annual fundraiser, and partner/volunteer recognition event. Tickets are $25, and available for purchase during our office hours: Monday – Thursday from 10:00am to 4:00pm (cash only). For sponsorship opportunities contact Stay tuned for more details.


10/26 – Memory Workout for Adults/Seniors  – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
Flex your brain muscles with board games, word games, and logic puzzles that will help stimulate and retain memory function. Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library.

10/21 – Civics Conversation & Cider: Voting 101 – 2:00pm to 4:00pm at the AIC. 
Hosted by the Madison County League of Voters and the Anderson Impact Center. Refreshments served, including LWV’s famous hot cider!

10/19 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

10/18 – Community Lens of Anderson Candidate Interview Series
Please join us for our final Anderson City Council At-Large candidate interviews. First we will interview Meredith “Coco” Armstrong at 5:30pm followed by a 7:00pm interview with Rachel Landers. Moderated by Sherry Peak of Peak Media Group. Visit to view and participate in this live virtual event.

10/14 – Veterans Coffee Club– 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

10/13 – Community Lens of Anderson Candidate Interview Series
Candidate Douglas McNaughton joins Community Lens for a one-on-one interview, moderated by Sherry Peak of Peak Media Group. Visit at 4pm to view and participate in this live virtual event.

10/12 -Memory Workout for Adults/Seniors – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
Flex your brain muscles with board games, word games, and logic puzzles that will help stimulate and retain memory function. Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library.

10/11 – Community Lens of Anderson Candidate Interview Series
Candidate Antony Bibbs joins Community Lens for a one-on-one interview, moderated by Sherry Peak of Peak Media Group. Visit at 4:00pm to view and participate in this live virtual event.

10/09 – Community Lens of Anderson Candidate Interview Series
Candidate Rebecca Crumes joins Community Lens for a one-on-one interview, moderated by Sherry Peak of Peak Media Group. Visit at 4pm to view and participate in this live virtual event.

10/09 to 13 – Dollars & Sense, Youth Financial Literacy Workshop – 10:00am to 2:00pm at the AIC
Learn about important financial skills and what you can do now to set yourself up for future success! Open to 7th – 12th grade youth.  Registration closes on Friday, September 29, 2023. For more information contact Tressena Jonea at (765) 631-9053 or

10/07 – Breast Cancer Awareness Walk / Health Fair / Brunch – 9:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC – Registration begins at 8:30am
9:00am to 1:00pm – Health Fair
9:00am – Breast Cancer Walk
10:00am – Brunch & Testimonials
10:45am – Guest Speaker/Author Autumn R. Carter
11:30am – Educational Session with Dr. Spivey

Presented by the Minority Health Coalition of Madison County with support from the Anderson Impact Center, The Gathering of the Queens, and Community Hospital Anderson. $20 registration fee includes brunch and t-shirt. Please register and submit payment by Friday, September 29th. For tickets and more information contact: Ruth Hampton at / (765) 602-8764 or Vickie Nave at / (765) 621-1900. 

10/07 – “We Smoke Grills Not Menthol” Master Griller Competition – 1:00pm to 5:00pm at the AIC

Are you the #1 Grill Master? Join the competition to grill the best chicken or ribs! The first 10 Grill Masters to sign up and complete the smoke contest will receive $200 and a Grill Gift Package! The 1st Place Winner will receive a Master Grill Gift Package, a new Grill, and be featured on a billboard about menthol.

Not competing? Join us for the Grill Masters Taste of Anderson. Get your $20 tickets now for 10 tastings of chicken or ribs. We’ll have music, vendors, giveaways, and more. Presented by the Minority Health Coalition of Madison County with support from the Anderson Impact Center, The Gathering of the Queens, and Indiana Black Expo. For more information about tickets and vending opportunities contact or (765) 228-2325.

10/05 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.


09/21 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

09/09 – Veterans Coffee Club– 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

09/07 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.


08/24 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

08/12 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

08/10 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

JULY 2023

07/27 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

07/25 – Tech Tuesday: Downloading Library eBooks – 2:00pm at the AIC
Interested in using APL eBooks for the first time but don’t know where to start?  With free library eBooks, the library is open 24/7!  In this workshop, we will cover navigating the library’s collection of new and favorite titles – in eBook and eAudio format!  An Anderson Public Library card will be required for account setup and download.  If you have a current library card and a tablet or eReader, please bring it with you to this session!  If you don’t have a library card yet, don’t fret!  You can visit the library before this session to receive one, or learn at the session and pick up a library card later! Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

07/20 – 6th Annual Housing Symposium – 9:30am to 12:00pm at the AIC
Learn more about doing business with AHA and the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program, and other rental assistance programs – such as United Way Rental Assistance, and Tenant Based Rental Assistance. Registration starts at 9:00am. RSVP by July 13th, 2023 at (765) 641-2620, ext. 120 or Refreshments will be provided. Sponsored by the Anderson Housing Authority.

07/18 – Tech Tuesday: Microsoft Word Basics – 2:00pm at the AIC
Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

07/13 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

07/11 – Tech Tuesday: Microsoft Excel Basics – 2:00pm at the AIC
In this workshop, attendees will learn how Microsoft Excel’s cells, worksheets, and workbooks allow you to calculate and format numbers and other types of data. This session is designed for beginners with at least some basic mouse and keyboard skills. Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

07/08 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

JUNE 2023

06/29 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

06/27 – Tech Tuesday: Facebook Basics – 10:00am at the AIC
Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

06/20 – Tech Tuesday: Internet Basics – 2:00pm at the AIC
Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

06/18 – Mr. Warner & Gospel Highlights Live Broadcast – 7:30am at the AIC
Tune in at 1240 AM, 101.1 FM or

06/17 – Mr. Warner & Gospel Highlights Live Broadcast – 5:00pm to 7:00pm at the AIC
Tune in at 1240 AM, 101.1 FM or

06/17 – 3rd Annual Juneteenth Weekend Fish Fry Fundraiser – 4:30 to 7:00pm at the AIC
Celebrate Freedom Day with a Dan’s Fish Fry Fundraiser to benefit the Anderson Impact Center. The celebration includes vendor booths and voter registration table and great food!  Tickets $12. Meal includes a drink and 2 sides. Desserts are $2. Carryout only. Tickets available now at the AIC – Monday through Thursday between 10:30 am to 3:30pm.

      SPONSORS: The Anderson Housing Authority, Anderson Madison County Visitors Bureau, Aspire Indiana Health, Coca-Cola Consolidated, Community Hospital Anderson, Ivy Tech Community College of Anderson, Prairie Farms Dairy of Anderson, Minority Health Coalition of Madison County, AFT 519, and NTN Driveshaft of Anderson.

      VENDORS:  Anderson Preparatory Academy’s Jet Fuel Program, The Artisan Collective, Disabled American Veterans, Interlocal Community Action Program – “ICAP”, The Gathering of the Queens Inc., the League of Women Voters, Project GrowCery, Madison County Health Department Mobile Health Unit, Madison County SURE, Rub It Up Spice Blend, Jewelz of Blessings, The Literacy Center, Firefly Children & Family Alliance, First Choice for Women, and Duke Energy, First Choice for Women, the State Health Insurance Assistance Program – “SHIP.”

Contact for information about volunteering, sponsorships, and vending opportunities.

06/17 – Juneteenth Resource & Health Fair – 4:30 to 7:00pm at the AIC
Hosted by the Minority Health Coalition of Madison County. Stop by for free health screenings provided by the Madison County Health Department, and a chance to earn an air fryer – while supplies last. If your organization would like to participate contact or (765) 228-2325

06/16 – Juneteenth Jams featuring DJ HotRod and the Generation of Steppers – 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the AIC

06/15 – “Juneteenth Faith & Freedom” – 6pm at the AIC
Free Film Screening & Discussion. Hosted by Purdue University and Madison County SURE with support from the AIC. Limited seating. LOOK HERE or contact for more details.

06/15 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

06/13 – Tech Tuesday: Microsoft Word Basics – 2:00pm at the AIC
Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

06/10 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

06/10 – Community Rummage Sale – 9:00am to 3:00pm at the AIC
Indoor resale booths. Sell your items for only $25 per booth. Rent a table for $10 – Limited quantity available. Call (765) 356-9497 by June 7th to reserve a space.

06/6 – Tech Tuesday: Apps/Smartphone Basics – 10:00am at the AIC
Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

06/01 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.


MAY 2023

05/25 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “BRIDGE BUILDERS” -12:00pm at the AIC
Join us on for a free in-person screening of the Independent Lens Bridge Builders Short Film Series

Across the United States, community leaders of different ages, backgrounds, and geographies are fighting for criminal justice reform. Their work has tangible impacts on the lives of those around them, and together they look toward a future where no one is left behind. Independent Lens Bridge Builders is a series of short documentaries highlighting these changemakers and their communities, collectively crafting a picture of the reform landscape nationwide. TRT 30 minutes. There will be a short discussion following the screening led by Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak. Presented with support from Independent Lens | PBS. For more information Look Here. #ITVS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork

05/18 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

05/13 – 2nd Annual Mother’s Day Celebration Hat Luncheon – 11:30am to 1:30pm at the AIC. Admission $12 
Guest speaker, Pastor Lizzie Toomer. Attendees please bring your favorite picture of your mom or the diamond who raised you. For more information or to purchase tickets call (765) 356-9497 or contact us here.

05/13 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

05/04 – Senior Expo – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC. Admission Free
Please join us for our Annual Senior Expo! We’ll have information about senior citizen programs and services, and:

Vendors specializing in the senior adult industry (55+)
Apparel, fashion, accessories & craft vendors
FREE on-site health screenings
FUN Interactive activities
Door prizes and lots of giveaways

For more information contact (765) 356-9497 or

APRIL 2023 

04/27 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “FREE CHOL SOO LEE” -12:00pm at the AIC
Join us on for a free in-person screening of Free Chol Soo Lee by Julie Ha and Eugene Yi.

Sentenced to life for a 1973 San Francisco murder, Korean immigrant Chol Soo Lee was set free after a pan-Asian solidarity movement, which included Korean, Japanese, and Chinese Americans, helped to overturn his conviction. After 10 years of fighting for his life inside California state prisons, Lee found himself in a new fight to rise to the expectations of the people who believed in him. TRT 60 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak will lead a short discussion following the screening. Presented with support from Independent Lens | PBS. For more information Look Here. #ITVS #CholSooLeePBS #IndieLensPopUp #AndersonImpactCenter #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork

04/25 – Tech Tuesday: Gmail Basics – 10:00am at the AIC / Key Bank Computer Lab

In this workshop, attendees will create a Gmail email account, learn how to perform basic email functions like send, receive, and reply to an email, recognize and deal with spam, organize and delete emails, and search for messages. This session is designed for those who have basic computer, mouse, and keyboard skills, but are new to using email. To create a Gmail account, attendees must bring their own cell phone for setup. Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

04/20 – Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

04/18 – Tech Tuesday: Internet Navigation Basics – 2:00pm at the AIC / Key Bank Computer Lab
In this workshop, you will learn basic terminology and navigation of internet browsers, search engines, and websites, as well as search engine tips and tricks. This session is designed for those who have basic computer, mouse, and keyboard skills, but are new to using internet browsers. Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.
04/11 – Tech Tuesday: Mobile App Basics – 10:00am at the AIC / Key Bank Computer Lab

In this workshop, learn about some of the best apps for enhancing your life and having fun with your tablet or smartphone! Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

04/08 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

04/06 -Impact Senior Program – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
A monthly activity and meal for registered neighborhood seniors. For more information call (765) 356-9497.

04/04 – Tech Tuesday: Cybersecurity Basics – 2:00pm at the AIC / Key Bank Computer Lab
In this workshop, you will learn how to be safer online by protecting your accounts and passwords, as well as how to guard against frauds and scams. This session is designed for those who have basic computer and internet navigation skills, but want to learn how to enhance their safety online. Co-hosted with Anderson Public Library. Class size limited. Registration is required. For more information call (765) 356-9497

 MARCH 2023

03/23 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “STORMING CAESARS PALACE”
Join us on Thursday, February 23rd at noon for a free in-person screening of Storming Caesars Palace by Hazel Gurland-Pooler.

Storming Caesars Palace chronicles the life of Ruby Duncan, an activist who fights the welfare system and ends up a White House advisor. It all begins when she loses her job due to a workplace accident and goes on welfare, where she discovers firsthand the stigma and harassment by an overzealous welfare department. With Mary Wesley and Alversa Beals, Ruby joins a welfare rights group to fight for an adequate income, dignity, and justice. They, along with low-income mothers across the country, form the National Welfare Rights Organization with the support of George Wiley and Frances Fox Piven. Together they introduce a guaranteed adequate income campaign which, with feminist Gloria Steinem at their side, becomes part of the Democratic platform in 1972.

When the Las Vegas mothers are slashed from the welfare rolls, they launch “Operation Nevada,” and lead an army 1,500 strong—including Ralph Abernathy and Jane Fonda—down the Strip into Caesars Palace, shutting it down. Later, Ruby forms Operation Life, one of the first women-led community corporations in the nation bringing medical services and meaningful jobs to her Westside neighborhood. From a boisterous protestor to a strategic organizer, Ruby wants lasting change, and President Jimmy Carter appointed her to his Council on Economic Opportunity.

Based on a groundbreaking book, Storming Caesars Palacespotlights an unsung leader and movement whose stand for America’s principles of justice, inclusion, and opportunity for all challenged notions of the “welfare queen” and continues to shape the calls for economic justice that ring today. TRT 60 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak will facilitate a short discussion after the screening with guest speaker Rev. Marilynn Collier, Founder of The Gathering of the Queens/765 Food Desert Project

Indie Lens Pop-Up is a free community film series that brings people together for in-person and virtual screenings and community-driven conversations. Look here for more details. Storming Caesars Palace premieres on #IndependentLens Monday, March 20, 2023. Watch on PBS and the PBS Video app starting at 10/9c. Check your local listings here. Presented with support from: #ITVS #StormingCeasarsPBS #IndieLensPopUp #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork

03/16 – Voter Registration Table – 11:00am to 4:00pm at the AIC
Co-Hosted with The League of Women Voters of Anderson & Madison County. For more information about voter registration Look Here.

03/16 – StandUp Wireless Phone & Tablet Giveaway – 11:00am to 4:00pm at the AIC
Free phones and tablets for individuals who qualify (F
ood Stamps, Medicaid+, Low Income, WIC). Must have a valid Indiana ID. For more information Look Here or contact Lacey Sneddon at (317) 597-2885.

03/16 – Impact Senior Adult Program: Bingo Luncheon – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC
Join AIC, Ivy Tech, Anderson Community Schools, and National Able Network for an afternoon of Bingo, Food and Fun! RSVP required by 03/10/23. Call 765-356-9497.

03/11 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.

03/08 – 2nd Annual Women’s Community Prayer Breakfast – 8:30am to 10:30am at the AIC
Come together on International Women’s Day to celebrate the accomplishments of women everywhere, and to lift one another up in prayer for today and the future. Guest speakers include: Rev. Vern Ella Davis – Pastor at New Covenant Kingdom Ministries, Dr. Stephanie Moran -Anderson University Director of Engagement and Adult Learning, Sherry Peak – Executive Director of the Anderson Impact Center and Founder of Peak Media Group, and Kim Townsend – Executive Director of the Anderson Housing Authority. Admission Free! *Light breakfast provided.

02/23 – Impact Senior Adult Program: Black History Reception with the Madison County Historical Society – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC.
The Madison County Historical Society was organized in 1884 and incorporated in 1926. From these humble and early beginnings, the Society has continued through the years with vigor, energy, and dedication on its mission to collect and preserve objects, artifacts, documents, and photographs pertaining to the history of Madison County, Indiana. The MCHC will be sharing from their archives about local black history. *Light refreshments will be served.
02/16 – Impact Senior Adult Program: Storytelling with Stephen Jackson, Madison County Historian – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC.
Storytelling provides a unique opportunity to communicate a message. Join us and special guest Stephen Jackson, Madison County Historian, one of Madison County’s best resources for local history as he shares his understanding of the area’s rich traditions, legacy and local black history. *Light refreshments will be served.
02/11 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.
02/09 – Impact Senior Adult Program: Genealogy & Health History – 11:00am to 1:00pm at the AIC.
Let’s talk genealogy and your health history. Are these two related…absolutely! Whether you are a beginner or haven’t started yet, your personal reasons are your motivation. Whatever your reasons may be for doing genealogy, they are precious, special, and unique to you and researching your health history! Genealogy can have the potential to save your life, or the life of one of your loved ones! The Anderson Public Library will be on site to share some tips and tools available at the Anderson Public Library for starting or continuing your genealogy journey and the Madison County Health Department will be providing health screenings. *Light refreshments will be served.
02/01 to 02/28 – AIC Black History Month Display – Curated by Local Educator and Historian, Bonnie White-Collier 
The Black History Month display highlights the achievements of local and nationally known African Americans. The display is on view during AIC Office Hours: Monday through Thursday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. *Admission is free!
01/19 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “LOVE IN THE TIME OF FENTANYL”
Join us on Thursday, January 19th at noon for a free in-person screening of Love in the Time of Fentanyl by Colin Askey, Monika Navarro, Marc Serpa Francoeur, and Robinder Uppal.
As the number of overdose deaths in Vancouver, Canada reaches an all-time high, the Overdose Prevention Society (OPS) opens its doors—a renegade safe injection site that primarily employs current or former drug users. Its staff and volunteers save lives and give hope to a marginalized community as the overdose crisis rages throughout Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
The film follows Sarah, an activist who opened OPS without government approval, as she strives to raise awareness about the crisis; Trey, a graffiti artist and former heroin user who spends his days reversing overdoses and memorializing lost community members; Ronnie, a seasoned frontline worker nicknamed “Narcan Jesus,” struggling with burnout from the demanding work and witnessing so much loss; Norma, a much-loved Indigenous elder in the community, who cooks meals for the staff when she’s not administering naloxone; and Dana, an active fentanyl user who constantly saves lives at work while struggling with his own drug use. With loved ones dying in unprecedented numbers, the staff at OPS does whatever it takes to keep the doors open and find radical new ways out of the devastating but widely ignored crisis ravaging their community.
Love in the Time of Fentanyl is an intimate, observational look beyond the stigma of injection drug users, revealing the courage of those facing tragedy in a neighborhood often referred to as ground zero of the overdose crisis. TRT 61 minutes. Peak Media Group Founder, Sherry Peak will facilitate a short discussion with Jason Howard, Executive Director of Turning Point Madison County after the screening.
Indie Lens Pop-Up is a free community film series that brings people together for in-person and virtual screenings and community-driven conversations. Look here for more detailsLove in the Time of Fentanyl premieres on #IndependentLens Monday, February 13, 2023. Watch on PBS and the PBS Video app starting at 10/9c. Check your local listings here. Presented with support from: #ITVS #FentanylFilmPBS #IndieLensPopUp #Sweet16Neighborhood #PeakMediaGroup #CharitableFilmNetwork
01/14 – Veterans Coffee Club – 9:00am to 11:00am at the AIC
FREE coffee, rolls and donuts on the second Saturday of the month. All veterans, young and old are welcome! *The Gathering of the Queens / 765Food Desert Project will host a veterans pantry during the coffee hour. For more information visit Veterans Coffee Club Anderson Indiana on Facebook or call (765) 617-5140.


12/15 – Impact Senior Adult Program 
8th Annual Holiday Luncheon – 11:00am to 1:00pm. 
Guest Speakers: Jan Mansfield Davis (Key Bank), and Levi Lawson (Ivy Tech Community College) 
Admission Free


11/17 – Impact Senior Adult Program 
Thanksgiving Luncheon & Holiday Raffle – 11:00am to 1:00pm. 
Admission Free

11/01 – Anderson Impact Center 10th Anniversary Celebration!
The Anderson Impact Center is celebrating 10 years of community service! Please join us on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 for an open house between 4:00 and 6:00pm, and an informal community dinner with guest speakers at 6:00pm. Dinner tickets are $25. All proceeds benefit AIC outreach programs. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Please contact for more details about ticket sales and sponsorship opportunities. We hope to see you in November!

Many thanks to our sponsors: Gathering of the Queens, Keller Williams East Central, Anderson Housing Authority, New Covenant Kingdom Ministries, Purdue University, and Heart of Indiana United Way.


10/27 – Anderson Impact Center Candy Land Caravan!
Please join us for our 3rd Annual TRUNK OR TREAT candy giveaway on Thursday, October 27th from 6:00 to 7:00pm!

– Safe, family-friendly environment
– Ideal for ages 12 and under
– Prizes for best costumes and best car decorations
– Street and on-site parking available
– We’ll be there rain or shine
– FREE Admission!

PARTNERS WANTED! For Caravan guidelines and registration forms, candy donations or sponsorship information, contact the AIC Program Coordinator at Presented with support from: Anderson Public Library, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aspire Indiana Health, Firefly Children & Family Alliance, TRC Early Head Start, the Sweet 16 Neighborhood, and Charitable Film Network.

10/20 – Indie Lens Pop-Up Screening of “MOVE ME” 
Join us on Thursday, October 20th at 6:00pm for a free virtual screening of MOVE ME by Kelsey Peterson, Eli Olson, and Daniel Klein.

Beneath the waters of Lake Superior, off the shore of Wisconsin, Kelsey Peterson underwent a transformation. On the eve of Independence Day 2012, she dove in and hit the lake bottom headfirst, suffering a life-altering spinal cord injury that takes away both function and sensation from the chest down, essentially robbing Kelsey of her self-identities as an athlete and dancer. Alongside peers and allies in the spinal cord injury community, she seeks to answer the question “Who am I now?” As she grapples with the ebb and flow of hope and acceptance, Kelsey talks to researchers and meets with people who belong to this community and who help give her the strength and the will to return to dance. When a cutting-edge clinical trial surfaces, it tests her expectations and her faith in the possibility of a cure, forcing her to evaluate the limits of her recovery—in body and spirit.  

TRT 61 minutes. RSVP at Indie Lens Pop-Up is a free community film series that brings people together for in-person and virtual screenings and community-driven conversations. For more details visit

MOVE ME premieres on #IndependentLens Monday, November 7, 2022. Watch on PBS and the PBS Video app starting at 10/9c. Check your local listings at with support from: #ITVS #MoveMePBS  #IndieLensPopUp #Sweet16Neighborhood  #PeakMediaGroup  #CharitableFilmNetwork 

JUNE 2022

2nd Annual Juneteenth Fish Fry Fundraiser!
Celebrate Juneteenth Weekend with a Dan’s Fish Fry Fundraiser to benefit the Anderson Impact Center – 
Saturday, June 18th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm at 630 Nichol Avenue, Anderson, IN 46016. The fish fry will include vendors and outreach booths! Tickets are $10 on the day of the event. Purchase $9 “Early Bird” Discount Tickets HERE.  For information about volunteering, sponsorship or vending opportunities, please contact The AIC is also hosting a free Gospel Concert on Sunday, June 19th from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. See flyer below for more details.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors:
Green Star – Breathe Easy Madison County, and Ivy Tech Community College of Anderson
Black Star – Anderson UniversityMadison County Chamber of Commerce, and Morales Group Staffing
Red Star – Anderson Housing Authority, Glazebrooks Funeral Services, The Jane Pauley Community Health Center, L. C. May Funeral Services, Madison County SURE, and NTN Driveshaft
In-Kind – Coke Cola Consolidated, Culligan Water, Prairie Farms Dairy, and Steadii Rockin Café

Celebrate Freedom Day with a “Dan’s Fish Fry” fundraiser to benefit the Anderson Impact Center on Saturday, June 19th from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 pm at the Anderson Impact Center! The celebration will include a Juneteenth flag raising and proclamation presentation, outdoor vendor booths, a voter registration table, and great food! Register below!

Juneteenth Fish Fry

special thank you to our event sponsors!

Green Level Sponsors:





Donations to the AIC are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law


AIC Programs promote education, career development, and health and wellness.


Are you looking for individual or group volunteer opportunities? Sign up today!